Do we observe Heart block in children?


There are numerous causes of heart block in kids. Congenital heart block affects many children. A congenital heart block may result from a birth abnormality that develops during body development or from autoimmune disorders that are transferred from mother to kid. It might be difficult to pinpoint the precise aetiology of birth abnormalities. Although it is less frequent, children can develop an acquired heart block. Among the factors that can lead to a child's heart block are:

muscle problems

·       certain drugs

·        Gene chromosomal modifications

      surgery that had an impact on the heart

·    paediatric cardiologist can diagnose a heart block by monitoring your child's heart rate. Your doctor mayrequest tests like an electrocardiogram (ECG) to examine the electrical activity of the heart if there is a reason for worry. The electrical impulses of the heart produce wave patterns that can reveal any anomalies.

Therapy for Heart Block

Most kids with first-degree heart blocks don't need surgery. Treatment for the underlying problem that led to the heart block may be able to solve or ameliorate the heart block problem. Your youngster may need a pacemaker for second- and third-degree heart blockages. Using a tiny device that is implanted in the chest region, electrical impulses are releases that jolt the heart into beating and blood pumping. There are no two cases of Heart Block that will be the same, so treatment will vary depending on the specifics of each case.


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